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Inhaltlich verantwortlich: Birgit Kersten
Eingestellt am: 29.06.2022
Stand vom: 02.01.2023

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Open Educational Resources

Beitrag eingestellt von: Frau Birgit Kersten
Telefon: +49 (0)345 2042 254
E-Mail: birgit.kersten@bildung-lsa.de

192 Datensätze auf 20 Seiten
Guitar, a classical string instrument
 (0 Min ) 
Photo: Sound is produced by plucking strings and their vibrations are reflected by the resonance of the guitar body. The vibration of the strings is transmitted to the body (soundboard) of the guitar which in turn vibrates and stimulates the air in the hollow body to vi...
Violin body as resonance body
 (0 Min ) 
Photo: The familiar violin as an example of how the vibration of a string is amplified via a resonance body. Without a resonance body the vibration of a string would be hardly audible. That is why the vibration is transmitted to the body of the violin which causes the a...
Guitar music
 (0 Min ) 
Video (00:25 minutes): Recording of guitar music as example of sound production by vibrating strings. Guitar music is produced by vibrating strings. Information and ideas: As example of sound production through vibrating objects and for musical instruments. Relevant for...
Tuning fork – source of pure tones
 (0 Min ) 
Photo: Musical instruments are tuned with the help of the especially pure tones of a tuning fork. But why does a tuning fork produce such pure tones? With the help of a tuning fork it can be demonstrated that audible tones are often created by vibrating objects and that...
Resonance body piano
 (0 Min ) 
Photo: Grand piano and piano are good examples of the great significance of resonance bodies with regard to volume and sound. The frame and the air in the piano vibrate in resonance with the string that has just been struck. Whereas the more modern grand piano “fills"...
Vibrating objects produce music
 (0 Min ) 
Video (00:04 minutes): (Close-up) of guitar string. Example of sound production (string) with resonance body for amplification. Guitar music is produced by vibrating strings. Information and ideas: As example of sound production through vibrating objects and for musical...
Sound emission at the loudspeaker
 (0 Min ) 
Video (00:11 minutes): The visibly vibrating diaphragm in the loudspeaker obviously transmits its movement onto the air as sound waves. The principle of sound production and propagation as sound wave in the air can be recognized clearly with the example of the diaphragm...
Stimmgabel – Quelle reiner Töne
 (0 Min ) 
Foto: Mit den besonders reinen Tönen der Stimmgabel werden Musikinstrumente gestimmt. Aber warum erzeugt die Stimmgabel besonders reine Töne? Mithilfe einer Stimmgabel kann gut herausgearbeitet werden, dass hörbare Töne oftmals durch Körperschwingungen entstehen un...
Schwingende Körper erzeugen Schall – Gitarre
 (0 Min ) 
Video (00:04 Minuten): Nahaufnahme einer Gitarrensaite als Beispiel für Schallerzeugung (Saite) mit Resonanzkörper zur Verstärkung. Gitarrenmusik wird durch schwingende Saiten erzeugt. Hinweise und Ideen: Als Beispiel zur Schallerzeugung durch schwingende Körper und...
Schallabstrahlung am Lautsprecher
 (0 Min ) 
Video (00:11 Minuten): Offenbar überträgt die sichtbar schwingende Lautsprechermembran ihre Bewegung als Schallwellen auf die Luft. Das Prinzip der Schallerzeugung und der Ausbreitung als Schallwelle in der Luft erkennt man sehr gut am Beispiel der Membran eines Lauts...
192 Datensätze auf 20 Seiten