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Inhaltlich verantwortlich: Birgit Kersten
Eingestellt am: 30.06.2022
Stand vom: 02.01.2023

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Open Educational Resources

Beitrag eingestellt von: Frau Birgit Kersten
Telefon: +49 (0)345 2042 254
E-Mail: birgit.kersten@bildung-lsa.de

35516 Datensätze auf 3552 Seiten
Cochlea – individual coil section
 (0 Min ) 
Labeled graphic: Section of individual coil of spiral canal of the cochlea. The labeled graphic shows a section of an individual coil of the cochlea. The following are labeled: scala vestibuli, tectorial membrane, hair cells of the sensory cells, spiral canal of the coc...
Effects of noise
 (0 Min ) 
Schematic diagram: The graphic shows that – apart from physical effects – sound does not become noise until it reaches the brain. Noise has effects on the physical and mental health of human beings. What the individual subjectively considers to be noise depends on a...
Eardrum as seen by a doctor
 (0 Min ) 
Labeled graphic: “Close-up” of eardrum. View from the side of the outer ear of the eardrum with the exterior process of the malleus. At first glance, the malleus connected to the eardrum from outside seems to be a quirk of evolution. For its purpose it would seem to...
Cochlea – an overview
 (0 Min ) 
Labeled graphic: The cochlea with the location of the vestibule, the oval window and the round window. To help understand where the sound enters and exits the cochlea. The cochlea consists of a coiled canal which appears in three compartments in the section. The part le...
Child with hearing aid
 (0 Min ) 
Graphic: A boy and girl sitting at desks; the girl is wearing a hearing aid. From the 2009 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities we can derive that children with and without disabilities should be taught together. The graphic can serve as an example o...
Firewood as biomass
 (0 Min ) 
Photo: Stacked logs Biomass, especially wood, is one of the oldest sources of energy used by humankind. The energy is “obtained” through combustion.Schlüsselworte: Biomass, Ecology, Energy, Environment (general), Environmental protection, Renewable energy, Biologie...
Ampulla – location, function
 (0 Min ) 
Labeled graphic: An ampulla in the sense of rotation with cupola surrounded by endolymph. The movement of the lymph distorts the shape of the cupola. The cupola is pressed to the right or left by the flow of lymph. The sensory cells at the crista of the cupola are stimu...
Auditory path – brain parts hearing
 (0 Min ) 
Labeled graphic: “Auditory pathway” describes route taken by auditory nerve impulses in and through the brain. But the hearing process is not over yet. The auditory pathway is the nerve tract for the sensation of hearing. People used to think that the senses were mo...
Distribution of land and water on Earth
 (0 Min ) 
Graphic: Percentage distribution of landmasses and oceans on Earth’s surface Oceans cover 70 percent of Earth’s entire surface. Landmasses thus amount to only 30 percent. When you see photos from space, it’s easy to understand why Earth is called the “Blue Plane...
 (0 Min ) 
Photo: Car as typical source of sound and noise in traffic. A car in normal town traffic produces about 80 decibels. Information and ideas: Use picture to introduce topic or for illustration purposes.Schlüsselworte: Lamp, Road safety training, Sense of hearing, Sachkun...
35516 Datensätze auf 3552 Seiten