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Inhaltlich verantwortlich: Birgit Kersten
Eingestellt am: 29.06.2022
Stand vom: 02.01.2023

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Beitrag eingestellt von: Frau Birgit Kersten
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E-Mail: birgit.kersten@bildung-lsa.de

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If-clauses type 1 & type 2

If-clauses type 1 & type 2 Complete the sentences. Decide whether to use if clause type 1 or if clause type 2. If you complete the task now, you will watch a movie tonight. (watch)We will book the flights today, if we decide for a destination now. (decide)If I won the lottery, I would buy myself a new house. (win)If he catches the train, he will beon time for the lecture. (be)She would not say that if she were your friend. Example: I will pass all my exams if I study everyday. Example: I would pass all my exams if I studied everyday. The difference between type 1 & type 2 If you understand them, you will use the if-clauses! It is possible and very probable for the described situation to happen. Structure: if + simple present, will- future (will+ infinitive)Example: If I study everyday, I will pass all my exams. If clause type 1 If I understood the different if-clauses... It is possible but rather unlikely for the described situation to happen.Structure: if + simple past, conditional 1 (=would + infinitive)Example: If I studied everyday, I would pass all my exams. If clause type 2 What are if-clauses?If-clauses are conditional clauses . Meaning: The happening in the main clause (clause without the if) can only take place when the condition is fulfilled in the if clause. Notice: The main clause can also stand in the begining ! Listen to the song twice. Make sure to listen carefully!a) Which type of if clauses does Beyonce use when she talks about what she would do if she were a boy? b) Below you can find an exerpt of the lyrics of If I were a Boy. Fill in the gaps and make sure that you use the right type of if clause! If I were a boyEven just for a dayI would roll out of bed in the morningAnd throw on what I wanted and goIf I were a boyI think I could understandHow it feels to love a girlI swear I would be a better manIf I were a boyI would turn off my phoneTell everyone it's brokenSo they would think that I was sleeping alone If Beyonce loves if-clauses, you will love them too!

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