Hier bin ich: 
Inhaltlich verantwortlich: Birgit Kersten
Eingestellt am: 29.06.2022
Stand vom: 02.01.2023

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Beitrag eingestellt von: Frau Birgit Kersten
Telefon: +49 (0)345 2042 254
E-Mail: birgit.kersten@bildung-lsa.de

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My class and I

My class and I Hi! My name is Peter and I am the class teacher of 1b. Here is a picture of my pupils.There are twenty-one children in my class, ten boys and eleven girls. They are from Waldhausen and Nöchling. Most of them are ten or eleven years old. The tall girl in the middle of the back row is called Miriam. She is already twelve. The girls to her right are called Annika, Marlene and Laura. There is only one boy in the back row, Jakob. He looks a bit tired on that photo. The girls next to him are Anika and Eva. Anika is the one with the pigtails. She is wearing a pink sweater. I like pigtails but I don't like pink very much. The boys in front of Miriam are called David and Thomas. David is the one with the glasses. He is very smart. Thomas is slightly taller than David. He is standing in the middle of the row. He is an expert on dinosaurs. To his right there are Josef, Manuel and Lea. Lea is wearing a red sweater bearing the words "Girls can change the world".The girls next to David are called Verena and Jasmin. Jasmin is the one with the dark hair and Verena has got blonde hair. Verena likes music and plays the clarinet. She is also the class representative of 1b.The girls in the front row are called Olivia and Julia. They are good friends. On that picture they are showing their beautiful fingernails. The boy in the middle of the front row is Nico. He is a little scallywag. Nico is sitting between Moritz and Simon. Moritz is wearing glasses and a T-shirt. The boy to the right of Simon is called Daniel. He plays the tuba. The boy on the other side is also called Simon, so Daniel is sitting between two Simons!And this is me! I am forty-six years old and I live in Waldhausen. I've been a teacher at my school for twenty-five years now. I teach English, music and computer sciences. I like music a lot. I'm the guitarist in a band called 'Simply Live' and I am also the band leader of our school band. These are my schoolbags. I've got two. One is brown and the other one is grey. The grey bag is a bit smaller than my brown bag. I use it on my way to school and when I go home.I always carry my mobile phone, my wallet and my umbrella with me. My keys are also in the bag. I have got a pocket knife, some biros, two USB sticks and some cleaning things for my glasses there.The brown bag is for school. I use it in my English lessons. There are my English books, my folders, two pencil cases and a pencil sharpener in it. Laura gave me a packet of felt-tip pens for Christmas. They are also in my bag now. I always take some sweets with me. I sometimes give them to my pupils. I haven't got a pencil case on my desk but there is a big plastic box brimming with my school things. I've got a lot of biros and pencils but I haven't got pens, I don't like pens very much. My favourite biro is red. Teachers like red biros! There's a set square, a long ruler, some sticky tape, a pencil sharpener and a pair of scissors in my box. I have also got a stapler, a packet of reinforcing rings and a lot of pins and rubber bands in that box. This is a picture of our classroom. It is very big. There are a lot of chairs and desks. There are four big windows with colourful curtains. Under each window there is a radiator. In the corner there is a computer and above it there's a cross on the wall. Our board is green. There's a wooden floor. Christine, one of our cleaning ladies is cleaning it. English German (page1) English German (page 2) Tuba Packung ein bisschen Putzfrau Dinosaurier Süßigkeiten Brille kleiner als Ich bin schon Taschenmesser Schüler immer Leiter, Anführer verwenden hintere Reihe bunt Klassensprecher Schlüssel Sweatshirt Kreuz Lausbub manchmal rechts von ihr Plastikschachtel ein wenig größer jede, jeder gescheit voll mit Klassenvorstand Putzsache Klarinette Geldbörse Zöpfe Tacker Informatik Weg die meisten Ecke Experte Klebeband vordere Reihe Verstärkungsringe Mitte tragen darauf steht Schulstunde Fingernägel Heizkörper verändern Gummiringe Gitarrist Stecknadeln Look up the underlined words in a dictionary and complete the table. Now write a text about you and your class ( 100 words). Use prepositions (in, on, ...). My name is ... I am in ... I am from ... There is ... There are ... In my schoolbag ... In my pencil case ... In my class ... ... have got ... ... has got ... ... haven't got ... ... hasn't got ... ... has got beautiful fingernails. Olivia Eva Julia Verena ... is the class teacher. Miriam Lea Peter Jakob ... is twelve. Lea Annika Miriam Verena ... has got pigtails. Annika Anika Jasmin Eva ... wears glasses. David Simon Nico Moritz ... doesn't like pink very much. Nico Anika Eva Peter ... is the boy in the back row. David Thomas Simon Jakob ... is the class representative. Julia Verena Eva Peter ... plays the guitar. Marlene Peter Annika Manuel ... is a scallywag. Jakob Nico Simon David ... is blonde. Jasmin Miriam Marlene Verena ... is wearing a sweater. Annika Anika Lea Julia ... is the tall girl. Miriam Lea Peter Jakob ... is smart. Lea David Thomas Laura Who is who? Read the text and tick the correct name. ... plays the tuba. Thomas Daniel Josef Manuel ... likes dinosaurs. Thomas Simon Nico Moritz

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